Smash Club Graphics

As the President and Art Director of RIT Smash Club, I create graphics for our club Twitch, YouTube, social media platforms, and merchandise. The stream graphics are used during our tournament broadcasts on Twitch and can be seen in videos on our YouTube page. At the end of every tournament, we like to display the top 8 placements. These posts help us keep track of data as well as garner interest from people outside our direct community. I also have been in charge of creating stream, advertisement, and placing graphics for other tournaments in the Upstate New York smash community.

You can find us as RITSmashClub on Twitch, YouTube, and Twitter.

Power Rankings Graphics

Power Rankings Graphics or PRs are a list of the top competitors for the season, for RIT we use each semester as a season. It’s common for many regions to display their top players through a fun graphic. For our PR graphics, we like to have a theme for each ranked season. In Fall 2019 our theme was based on the video game Untitled Goose Game, and in Fall 2021 our theme was based on the video game Super Mario Party.

Due to COVID-19, we did not hold a ranked season in 2020 due to the inconsistency of tournaments held over the internet.
